Judi’s Path to a PhD with CASPR

My Honours dissertation proved that directors of five Australian fossil fuel corporations had contravened several criminal sections of the Corporations Act, by their conduct in relation to climate change, and that they could be sentenced to jail, receive hefty personal fines, and be disqualified from holding directorships of Australian companies Read more…

The Australian Political Studies Association PhD Day

As someone at the beginning of their academic career, as a PhD student, being on the Executive Committee is daunting as many of the other Executive Committee members are scholars whose work I am inspired by. Having said that, I’m grateful for the opportunity to get to know these scholars and learn from them in any capacity. Overall, I am honoured to have been selected for this opportunity and hope that I represent my peers well.

Waste management in Sri Lanka

The purpose of this research is to analyse the factors that contribute to the implementation gap and identify potential measures for better execution of waste management policy in Sri Lanka. This study makes an original contribution to the literature regarding public policy implementation and waste management in Sri Lanka by providing a framework for understanding policy implementation failure in Sri Lanka. The study findings have implications for public policy in Sri Lanka and elsewhere in the developing world.