Extreme Event Attribution in Media Reporting of Wildfires in the US, Canada, and Australia: Anti-reflexivity and the Climate Countermovement

Associate Professor Cassandra Star and Dr. Josh Holloway have been awarded one of eleven prestigious Climate Obstruction Research grants from the Climate Social Science Network (CSSN), headquartered at Brown University. The internationally-competitive grant will contribute toward research examining attribution of bushfires and wildfires to climate change in the media in the United States, Canada, and Australia.  Intense bush and Read more…

Judi’s Path to a PhD with CASPR

My Honours dissertation proved that directors of five Australian fossil fuel corporations had contravened several criminal sections of the Corporations Act, by their conduct in relation to climate change, and that they could be sentenced to jail, receive hefty personal fines, and be disqualified from holding directorships of Australian companies Read more…

Podcasts, pedagogy and public sociology

I am inspired by critical pedagogies, informal education models and I enjoy experimenting with teaching styles that promote democratic dialogue and independent enquiry rather than me delivering another monologue. With these things in mind, I decided to create a publicly available podcast as the central piece of content for the new unit. In my last episode, I interviewed Cassandra Star about climate justice and environmental security.